Crimean Republic Association "Ekologiya I Mir"
CRAEM's view on the future of Crimean region through 20 years
"Due to sustainable development of the region environmental safety of population is provided, moreover humans rights on good environmental conditions and peace are protected.
(Completely clean environmental technologies are launched in order to save resources, natural landscapes, biodiversity and historical cultural values)''
Crimean Republic Association "Ekologiya I Mir" is a non-governmental environmental organization. It was founded in 1988 as a public movement aimed to stop the nuclear power plant building in the Crimea. We have stopped the building in 1990. Since that time Ekologiya I Mir acts as independent non-governmental organization uniting people from all sections of the society. More than two hundred activists are working constantly based on supporters through Crimea.
Our Mission: To act for protection of the Crimean nature, health of the Crimean inhabitants and peace in the region!
Objectives of the organization are:
- restoration and conservation of the Crimean nature and keeping of the peace in the region
- human being improvement and achievement of development of the Crimean inhabitants based on ethic attitudes towards the environment and culture
- achievement of the sustainable development politics of the Black Sea countries to provide environmental safety and rehabilitation of the Black Sea region environment
- achievement of the united environmental policy of the Black Sea basin countries providing environmental safety, conservation and reproduction of the natural resources.
List of CRAEM's strategic objectives:
- urban areas overpacked with garbage
- environmental ignorance and inactivity of population concerning their rights
- food quality
- irrational territory planning
- domination of 'traditional' types of energy
- high level of chlorine substances in drinking water
Directions of our activity:
- collection and spreading of ecological information (holding seminars, conferences, work with mass-media)
- ecological actions
- ecological education
- organization of scientific researches and public participation in environmental impact assessment
- study and conservation of reserved objects and rare Crimean animals and plants
- working out and realization of Crimean sustainable development conception
- support of Crimean NGOs
Projects and actions
The main projects and activities implemented by the organization:
- since 1994 - elaboration of the conception for sustainable development of the Crimea and Programmes to implement this conception (special public Committee for Sustainable Development was founded in 1994);
- 1995 - holding the International Black Sea NGO Forum meeting in Gurzuf, Crimea, Ukraine, funding - UNDP/GEF Black Sea Environmental Programme (BSEP)
- 1995-1996 - estimation of the Sevastopol bay sea water pollution, elaboration and implementation of the measures for environment and people health protection; funding - local company
- 1995-1996 - preparation of the environmental education kit (set of slides, brochure for teachers) for secondary schools "Environmental problems of the Black Sea coast in Crimea"; funding - BSEP
- 1995-1996 - project "Support of the local environmental groups/(NGOs in Crimea" (information and organizational management support); funding - Milieukontakt Oost-Europa (the Netherlands), own funds
- from 1996 - publication of the information bulletin "Ekomir" for the NGOs; funding -Soros Foundation
- 1996-1997 - campaigning against destruction for industry purposes of the Gasfort mountain in Sevastopol region; funding - own funds
- 1997 - participation in the Crimean Environmental NGO Council establishing to enhance common NGO acting and improve cooperation NGOs and Crimean Governmental Commitee for the Environmental Protection
- 1997-1999 - project "Support and Development of the NGO network and local citizens groups in Crimea"; funding-TACIS/PHARE Democracy Programme
- 1998-1999 - "Promotion of the national reserve "Mys Aiya" protection"; funding-Milieukontakt Oost-Europa Activity Fund
- since 1999-2001 - project "Protection of human health from pollution", funding - NOVIB (the Netherlands)
- 2002 - project "Clean Environment for Crimean children", supported by NOVIB (the Netherlands)
- 2003-2005 - working under the project "Water for Sustainable Development and Health in Crimea"
From 2002 a Center of Environmental Health works in the Association. In the Center the ecological information about the connection between environment and health is gathered and analyzed. The Center holds consultations and makes practical help for children and adults who live in polluted areas.
Crimean Republic Association "Ekologiya I Mir"
Kechkemetskaya str. 188, aprt. 1, Simferopol 95022, Crimea
Tel/fax: +380-652-693-143,
Tel: +380-652-693-383 - Environmental Health Center.
E-mail: info @
Regional Branches of CRAEM